Most Used Shortcuts at Eclipse

You will find most used and usefull Eclipse IDE Shortcuts below.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + X : Convert to Upper Case
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Y : Convert to Lower Case
  3. “sysout”, then Ctrl + Space : System.out.println()
  4. “main”, then Ctrl + Space : create main method
  5. “if”, then Ctrl + Space : create if control block
  6. Alt + Up or Down Arrow : Move lines of text uup or down
  7. Alt + Shift + Z : surround code with various stuff
  8. Ctrl + Shift + F : format file
  9. Ctrl + Shift + O : optimize imports
  10. Ctrl + / : Comment or uncomment lines of code
  11. Ctrl + Shift + / : Multi-line block comment
  12. Alt + Shift + R : Rename variable, method or class
  13. Ctrl + L : Jump to line
  14. Alt + shift + M : Extract Method
  15. Ctrl + D : Delete Line
  16. Ctrl + Shift + P : Jump to beginning of (), {} or []
  17. Ctrl + “+”, Ctrl + “-“ : Increase or decrease font size
  18. Ctrl + Shift + R : Open resource

Good luck.